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Founded in 2005, Propoint Technology, Inc. (Propoint) has established a proud tradition of delivering a full suite of information technology (IT) and management consulting services. While we are a small business, we boast a highly diverse portfolio of services. Our team of seasoned IT consulting professionals carry extensive experience that can be measured in decades, holding industry certifications recognized by some of the most respected IT industry organizations. We understand that our clients are looking for people who can come up to speed quickly, can operate independently, and know when and how to communicate with stakeholders to keep them informed.

We are pre-qualified as a California Certified Small Business by the State of California Department of General Services under both the CA Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) and IT Master Services Agreement (IT-MSA, Tier 1 and 2) programs. We also hold separate pre-approved agreements with the California Public Employers' Retirement System (CalPERS 'Spring Fed' vendor pools). These contracting vehicles are designed to help expedite and simplify the bidding and procurement cycle and we are proud to have been accepted into these programs.