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City of Los Angeles

Leaders from across the state talked through challenges that public-sector IT shops face when striking a balance between emerging technology and business needs.
“Having worked in government for so many years, it was great to find a company that is investing in this sector and finds value in partnering with government agencies to help them evolve with the changing needs of their residents,” Michelle Hahn told Industry Insider — California.
Police agencies nationwide hope new advancements with artificial intelligence technology will help identify officer misconduct captured on camera.
The city of Los Angeles’ adopted budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year commits millions of dollars to tech projects that would improve radio and 311 systems and integrate data on homelessness to aid in analysis.
Chief Information Officer Ted Ross said he and his 450 IT staffers rely on the private sector to help them innovate and find new ways to use technology internally as well as to serve the public. Ross gave this and other insights during a recent video briefing with e.Republic.