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Office of Legislative Counsel

Many new laws passed by California contain requirements for progress reports. This year, agencies have sent in such reports only 16 percent of the time.
The Office of Legislative Counsel and the California Department of Public Health are recruiting to fill these IT Specialist II positions.
Recruitments are being done by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the Department of Finance, and the Office of Legislative Counsel.
The duties of this Career Executive Assignment role include oversight of the state Legislative Data Center, according to the job posting.
Applications are being accepted by the state Office of Legislative Counsel, the California Department of Aging, and the Cradle-to-Career Data System.
The California State Treasurer’s Office and the Office of Legislative Counsel are seeking experienced technologists to fill these specialized roles.
The Office of Legislative Counsel is seeking a manager whose responsibilities include oversight of the Legislative Data Center. The Department of Health Care Services is seeking a chief of the Contract Services Section.
The positions are in recruitment by the Office of Legislative Counsel, the Department of Technology and the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The positions are in the Office of Legislative Counsel and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.
Agencies in state government are also seeking to fill positions including chief enterprise architect and IT manager.
The California Office of Legislative Counsel is seeking a deputy director for its IT operations, and Placer County is recruiting for an IT supervisor to oversee its network, telephone and media services groups.
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Prepare, Respond, Recover: Cyber resilience is the new approach to cybersecurity, one that assumes breach. Resilience means being ready for anything.
The data resilience event of the year is coming to San Diego
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