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City of Laredo

When the police department in Laredo deployed new software, they used it to reduce firearms incidents while also mapping dangerous roads. But other lessons followed — lessons other agencies can use.
TAMIU’s Daniel Covarrubias recently spoke about how emerging technologies can enlarge Laredo’s strong trade presence.
With an online platform, the department aims to improve crime response and communications within the community.
Two school district IT leaders are praising recent state funding for managed security services and discussing their prioritization of cybersecurity to protect users and systems.
The city of Laredo’s bridge department, information services and telecommunications department, and fire department have allocated a combined $3.7 million for new tech.
During a press conference about Laredo area needs, the representative said that more technology is needed for commercial bridge crossings and to cut congestion.
According to its FY 2023 proposed budget, these systems include a mobile command unit, network cabling equipment, new servers, a data collection device and other municipal tech.
The after-ceremony discussion included economic development and its relation to connectivity.