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State Budget

Surprisingly strong revenues mean the Legislature likely won’t need to deal with a big deficit in 2025 like it did in 2024, according to a new fiscal outlook from the Legislative Analyst’s Office. But the problems might begin to mount in coming years.
Despite all the drama that surrounded the state budget earlier this summer, California is still a "target-rich environment" where IT projects are concerned, according to the Center for Digital Government.
In a fast-paced webinar this month, vendors were offered a breakdown of big-ticket items in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 state budget — an indication of where opportunities may await.
The 30-minute webinar this morning will provide an overview of California’s $297 billion state budget, highlighting which agencies and projects may offer opportunities for industry to partner with government.
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the University of California, San Diego will see $10.4 million in general fund investment in the fire-mapping camera system ALERTCalifornia.
Industry Insider — California has updated its agency and department budgets page, allowing members to view data for allocations across state agencies and topic areas.
The State Controller’s Office, already out to bid for a system integrator for the massive modernization effort, plans to release three more solicitations this year to support its eventual system integrator.
There’s been a flurry of activity this week around the state budget, and the state finally has a signed law. The governor also gave his long-awaited State of the State address.
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