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Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

This regulating agency is mandated to update its website and create a more accessible, user-friendly experience; it has $5 million to do so.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s current website, which houses 4,000 webpages, 869 folders and 29,000 PDF files, saw 2.2 million unique visitors in fiscal year 2023.
TCEQ is seeking a cloud-based application that allows public water systems to submit lead service line information.
The department, which protects the state’s natural resources, has an estimated annual IT budget of $12.5 million.
The state’s environmental agency is seeking a records processing contractor who will image documents requested as public information.
The agency that monitors environmental impacts spent $980,530 in February, mostly on consulting and telecom services.
The monies will assist in deploying a Texas EV infrastructure to meet future drivers’ needs.
The monies will assist in deploying a Texas EV infrastructure to meet future drivers’ needs.
The agency regulating pollutants is seeking action for a multitude of records.