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88th Legislature

The state comptroller will oversee the $1.5 billion fund intended to support broadband and telecommunications across the state.
Within the agency’s overall $5 billion biennial budget is more than $66 million for the agency’s 24-hour call center.
The state legislature's Innovation and Technology Caucus focuses on an educational mission, making sure that legislators have a place to learn more about what is happening in the tech economy.
The 88th Legislature redistributed the funding, originally earmarked for agency cybersecurity modernization.
If approved by Texas voters, $1.5 billion would be used for broadband, telecommunications and 911 services.
As the deadline nears for governor appointments to the new council, state leaders continue to remind public- and private-sector technologists of their thoughts and concerns on AI use.
Recently passed legislation could provide new opportunities for tech, including developing a statewide resource for hydrometeorological data.
House Bill 3730 is bringing the capitol phone book to tech modernity.
Portable, mobile credentials will potentially be issued by multiple agencies to tens of thousands of Texans in the coming years thanks to newly signed legislation.
Fourteen types of state and local entities are listed, clarifying which may take advantage of the state IT agency's services.
Two universities will lead the effort to build and maintain a robust semiconductor manufacturing economy.
Under the budget, currently awaiting the governor’s approval, the Department of Criminal Justice IT budget would be just over $55 million in the coming years.
Recently signed legislation established the state’s Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council to study and monitor AI tech developed, employed or procured by state agencies.
The biennial budget contains millions for state agencies to begin modernization projects and to purchase IT goods and services.
Last week, lawmakers passed HB 4, otherwise known as the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act. If signed by Gov. Abbott, the law would regulate businesses’ collection of personal data.
The biennial budget’s funding followed an agency appropriation request to enable the consolidation of disparate systems.
Bills relating to competitive bidding, contract validity, exempting certain contracts and reporting requirements are currently making their way through the state’s Legislature.
The appropriations for the state agency include a combined $120 million for data center consolidation; ongoing modernization is also funded.
House Bill 9 will allocate $1.5 billion to the Texas Broadband Infrastructure Fund to expand high-speed Internet access throughout the state.
The Health and Human Services Commission’s biennial budget will likely include $394 million for continuing MMIS modernization and upkeep.
Bruce Hermes spoke at a recent event about his agency's goal to update systems and how a cash infusion is needed.
NASCIO recognized the state legislator for his work on technology issues.
Thursday’s Texas House session saw the approval of a $302.6 billion budget bill with some tech and related funding discussed on the floor. The bill heads to the Senate.
Bills relating to information security, broadband funding and a small-business grant matching program are currently up for review by state lawmakers.
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas has asked vendors to submit quotes to procure network hardware to replace existing network switches.
Legislation introduced earlier this month intends to complement the federal CHIPS and Science Act passed last year, creating a new consortium and fund.
The agency has been deliberating ending the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and will need to address all aspects, including data and IT needs.
Bills aim to provide additional funding to the state's Broadband Development Office; however, each would require approval from voters before becoming law.
The bill intends to protect those investing in digital currency as it moves further into the forefront.
Bills relating to technology, security and workforce pipeline will be on the legislative agenda.
The announced estimate has an “astonishing” $32.7 billion cash carryover, as outlined by Comptroller Glenn Hegar.
The state comptroller is expected to announce a historically large amount that could fuel IT spending.
Broadband access and budget revenue are among the report’s state performance indicators.
The Texas Department of Information Resources is among the agencies seeking additional budget funds for IT needs.
There are five areas on the group's priority list, which includes technological infrastructure and an educated workforce.