The annual event, open to the public sector and private sponsors, will feature a wide range of California IT leaders from the departments of Employment Development, Technology, Food and Agriculture and elsewhere.
“A lot of vendors don’t really understand government — the culture side of government. You can do all these big transformation technology projects, but you know, can it sustain itself?" Jablonsky said.
“I’m excited to take on this new responsibility and look forward to further contributing to the growth and success of our firm,” said Bennett, whose public-sector background includes having served as chief information officer for the California Public Employees’ Retirement System.
Positions for which candidates are sought include branch chief, senior application engineer, supervisor, IT specialist and risk analyst.
Candidates are being sought by Covered California, the Department of Health Care Services, the California State Lottery and the California Public Employees Retirement System.
Candidates are being sought by the California Department of Aging, the Department of Health Care Services, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the Financial Information System for California and the Employment Development Department.
Recruitments are being done by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the Department of Finance, and the Office of Legislative Counsel.
The recruitments are being conducted by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the Employment Development Department and the California Department of Transportation.
The roles include zSystems Services manager, data manager, section chief and digital forensic investigator.
“We have a great group of directors and a really strong team,” said Montgomery, the outgoing CIO for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. “And I think the CIO coming in really needs to learn from them, listen to them.”
The recruitments are being conducted by the Department of Health Care Services and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System.
Christian Farland was a longtime tech leader in the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, where he last served as chief information officer before moving to the private sector in 2022.
In addition to the California Department of Technology, state entities dealing with public-sector retirement, justice and taxes are seeking candidates for key positions in technology.
Positions in recruitment include assistant division chief, bureau director and enterprise project management officer. Two of the roles are Career Executive Assignments, and two are for IT Manager II candidates.
Recruitments are being conducted by the Employment Development Department, the California Department of Technology, the California Highway Patrol, the Department of Child Support Services and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System.
The Office of Technology and Solutions Integration, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System and the Employment Development Department are seeking expertise for key IT positions.
So far, about 122,000 CalPERS retirees have signed up for two years of free credit monitoring and identity restoration services through Experian — a higher-than-expected response.
CalPERS said it had mailed letters Thursday to 769,000 members explaining that they would be offered two years membership in a credit monitoring and identity restoration service. CalSTRS said it was sending out letters this week to roughly 415,000 people who were affected.
The legislative director of the Retired Public Employees Association of California said he was livid that he and other affected members were not informed of this breach immediately.
Four state departments are seeking to fill several key roles, including chief technology innovation officer, assistant deputy director, section chief and office manager.
The Franchise Tax Board, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System and Covered California have key IT positions to fill.
As part of Industry Insider — California’s ongoing efforts to educate readers on state agencies, their IT plans and initiatives, here’s the latest in our periodic series of interviews with departmental IT leaders.
“The CTO aligns services responsible for computer operations and production, service desk, desktop support, voice and data networks, data center systems, and server support,” the job posting says.
Latinas in Tech “provides an opportunity to network with your community, and for career growth,” says Monica Barrios, a leader in the Sacramento chapter of the professional organization.
Gaining project approval or a budget bump often comes down to knowing one’s audience and how to deliver a message in a way they can understand. The insiders offered their insights during last week’s California Public Sector CIO Academy.
Stephenson Loveson is the new chief information officer for the nation’s largest public pension fund. He began his career in state government as a software specialist and has worked his way up through the technology ranks and into executive leadership.
As part of Industry Insider — California’s ongoing efforts to educate readers on state agencies, their IT plans and initiatives, here’s the latest in our periodic series of interviews with departmental IT leaders.
Among the positions in recruitment are chief information security officer, cybersecurity specialist and senior IT project manager.
This month, we polled our members about whether you preferred in-person events or virtual presentations. And you’ve spoken.
Two departments in state government are seeking applicants for the positions, which are both classified as IT manager I roles. Both require leadership skills as well as extensive technical experience.
“As a founder of Innovia Consulting LLC, I am excited to pursue projects directly with the state as well as team with larger consulting firms as a trusted small-business partner,” Scott Cleland told Industry Insider — California. “We are actively working on several proposals and are looking forward to growing our current client base.”
The California Public Employees’ Retirement System is seeking a “proven leader” to oversee a technology team of 600 and an IT budget of $100 million. The chief information officer position has been vacant since last month.
The state employees’ retirement system is “seeking a dynamic, innovative leader” for the technology that runs the nation’s largest public pension fund. The position allows for partial remote work and includes a possible incentive award of up to 15 percent of annual salary.
Christian Farland, the longtime executive with the state public pension fund, will be a client executive with the San Francisco-based company, which specializes in helping executive sponsors in the public and private sectors mesh their people with their mission.
In a new request for proposal, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System is seeking IT consultants for its “Spring-Fed Pool.”
“My job is to talk Venutian and Martian, to both sides of the equation, because vendors are not always speaking the same language that government clients understand,” Dale Jablonsky told Techwire.
“A veteran of state service, Director Tong’s deep experience in the public sector and leadership in the technology field have helped guide key efforts to make government more efficient and effective, including our work to bridge the digital divide and help state agencies navigate complex challenges during the pandemic,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said.
As part of Techwire’s ongoing efforts to inform readers about state agencies, their IT plans and initiatives, here’s the latest in our periodic series of interviews with departmental IT and cybersecurity leaders.
Among the IT positions in recruitment by state departments are a chief, a cybersecurity architect, a network architect and a chief information officer.
“Over the course of more than six years, Neeraj has been the face of the FI$Cal project,” Director Miriam Ingenito told Techwire. “He has spent countless hours working on developing and implementing the right solutions for the FI$Cal system; his accomplishments and contributions are innumerable.”
The position with the nation’s largest public pension fund has been open since February, when the former CISO, Liana Bailey-Crimmins, was appointed state chief technology officer and moved to the California Department of Technology.
The agencies seeking applicants include the California Department of Technology, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.
Departments are seeking to hire a data center chief, a branch chief, a senior technical adviser/developer, and a network engineer.
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